Crypstarter Treasury

Crypstarter Treasury (inspired by OlympusDAO in treasury development) but it has a different operating structure than OlympusDAO, what we do is inherit the advantages of olympusdao model and design a topology with other products in the system to solve the disadvantages of olympusdao such as increasing token usage, solving the disadvantages of token value...

Basically Cryptstarter has 3 different treasury based on its purpose.

Backing Treasury

This treasury reserves crypto assets from users bonding to back minting of CST

Investment Treasury

Part of the profit from bonding are deposited into the investment treasury. The assets in this treasury could be entrusted into partner fund managers or invested into projects in the Crypstarter ecosystem.

50% of the investment profit is deposited into the backing treasury, increasing the risk-free value of CST

Balance Treasury

Assets in this treasury is used for stablizing the value of AURE toward its pegged value of USD 1. The balancing protocol utilizes this treasury to buy and sell CST depending on whether the value of AURE is higher or lower with respect to USD 1.

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