
What is Tendermint?

Tendermint is software for securely and consistently replicating an application on many machines. By securely, it means Tendermint works even if up to ⅓ of machines fail in arbitrary ways. By consistently, it means that every non-faulty machine sees the same transaction log and computes the same state.

Secure and consistent replication is a fundamental problem in distributed systems; it plays a critical role in the fault tolerance of a broad range of applications, from currencies, to elections, to infrastructure or orchestration, and beyond.

Tendermint consists of two chief technical components: a blockchain consensus engine and a generic application interface. The consensus engine, called Tendermint Core, ensures that the same transactions are recorded on every machine in the same order.

The application interface, ABCI, enables the transactions to be processed in any programming language. Unlike other blockchain and consensus solutions, which come pre-packaged with built in state machines, developers can use Tendermint for BFT state machine replication of applications written in whatever programming language and development environment is right for them.

How it works


Tendermint implements a BFT consensus protocol as illustrated in the figure below.

Participants in the protocol are called validators; they take turns proposing blocks of transactions and voting on them. Blocks are committed in a chain, with one block at each height. A block may fail to be committed, in which case the protocol moves to the next round, and a new validator gets to propose a block for that height. Two stages of voting, namely pre-vote and pre-commit, are required to successfully commit a block. A block is committed when more than ⅔ of validators pre-commit for the same block in the same round.

Validators may fail to commit a block for a number of reasons; the current proposer may be offline, or the network may be slow. Tendermint allows them to establish that a validator should be skipped. Validators wait a small amount of time to receive a complete proposal block from the proposer before voting to move to the next round.

This reliance on a timeout is what makes Tendermint a weakly synchronous protocol, rather than an asynchronous one. However, the rest of the protocol is asynchronous, and validators only make progress after hearing from more than two-thrids of the validator set. A simplifying element of Tendermint is that it uses the same mechanism to commit a block as it does to skip to the next round.

Assuming less than one-third of the validators are Byzantine, Tendermint guarantees that safety will never be violated - that is, validators will never commit conflicting blocks at the same height. To do this it introduces a few locking rules which modulate which paths can be followed in the flow diagram. Once a validator pre-commits a block, it is locked on that block. It must pre-vote for the block and can only unlock and pre-commit for a new block if there is a two-third consensus for that block in a later round.


In many systems, not all validators will have the same “weight” in the consensus protocol. Thus, we are not so much interested in one-third or two-thirds of the validators, but in those proportions of the total voting power, which may not be uniformly distributed across individual validators.

Since Tendermint can replicate arbitrary applications, it is possible to define a currency, and denominate the voting power in that currency. When voting power is denominated in a native currency, the system is often referred to as Proof-of-Stake.

Validators can be forced, by logic in the application, to “bond” their currency holdings in a security deposit that can be destroyed if they’re found to misbehave in the consensus protocol. This adds an economic element to the security of the protocol, allowing one to quantify the cost of violating the assumption that less than one-third of voting power is Byzantine.

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